hello. i'm aaron garcha.

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Scripting Examples

UE4 Blueprints


The following is a collection of UE4 Blueprints to demonstrate my scripting capabilities. At the moment it features the following but will likely feature more in the future:

bomb planting and defusal


Here's an implementation of a feature that allows a player to place a bomb at a specified point when they push and hold the Use key for a period of time. A planted bomb can also be defused by players of the opposite team.


Handling Player Interaction

The first thing we need is a class that can handle player interaction. Enter stage left the InteractionPoint class: providing functionality to respond to the player hitting and releasing Use on the object.

The InteractionPoint class.

We also want to make sure that the player is: a) standing in front of the interact point - and - b) looking at the interact point.

The IsPlayerValid function.

To do so we perform a line trace (raycast) from the interact point's position in its forward direction for the default range of 192 units. If we hit a player, we continue onwards to check if the player is facing the interact point, achieved by finding the Dot Product between the interact point's facing direction and the player's facing direction. If the result is within a certain range then the player must be looking at the interact point and is thus valid.

Adding a Progress Bar

With a class that can handle player input, we can now extend its functionality into a derived class named InteractionPointProgress which makes a progress bar appear when the player keeps the Use key held down, as well as adding three new events: OnProgressBegin, OnProgressInterrupted, and OnProgressComplete which can be implemented by derived classes to customise how to respond to the various states of progress.

The InteractionPointProgress class.

Making a Bomb Placement Point

Now that all the core functionality is in place, we can finally spawn a bomb! Our BombPlacement class derives from InteractPointProgress and hooks into the OnProgressComplete event so that it will spawn an instance of a Bomb.

The BombPlacement class.

The Bomb derives from InteractionPointProgress yet again, but this time the progress bar is reversed by setting the bool bUseReverseProgress to true in the Construction Script. This means that instead of progress going from 0% to 100%, it goes the other way around to give the impression that the bomb will disappear when progress hits zero.

The Bomb class.

the result



The Announcer is a class with a function that allows other objects in a level to display a message on the screen. Typically, these are used for important game changing events that will have an affect on what players are currently doing.



Making an Announcement

The Announcer has the function MakeAnnouncement which accepts a string and an optional float for hold time. When this function is called it will add a new instance of an Announcement to the Announcements array before evaluating the value of bIsShowingAnnouncement. If no announcement is currently being displayed, then the new announcement will be shown.

Showing an Announcement

Showing an announcement works as follows:

At it's core it:

  1. Displays the Announcer UI
  2. Fades the text in and programatically scales the text from a large to normal size quickly to make it eye-catching
  3. Holds the text for a period of time. (Can be overridden with another value if specified when the announcement is made. Otherwise the default will be used.)
  4. Then fades the text out

After every announcement has finished showing, the routine will check if anymore Announcements remain. If so, the next one in the queue will be shown.

the result

Here's a simple example showing a countdown that can be made by simply making one announcement after the other specified with a hold time of 1 second.

control point


Here's a Blueprint implementation of a Control Point; the type you'd usually find in KoTH, Domination, and similar gamemodes.



Adding and Removing Players

The first thing we have to do is detect when players enter and leave the capture area. To achieve this there is a trigger volume surrounding the area that responds to two events: OnActorBeginOverlap for when an Actor enters the volume and OnActorEndOverlap for when an Actor leaves the volume.

When a player enters the control point area:

When a player leaves the control point area:

To handle a player being killed or being disconnected whilst capturing the point, we bind our RemovePlayer function to their OnDeath and OnDisconnect events. These events will call the RemovePlayer function upon the event occuring, ensuring that the player cannot continue such spooky behaviours as capturing the control point from beyond the grave.

Updating the Capture State

Whenever a player enters or leaves the control point, the function UpdateState is called. This function runs a series of conditional checks to determine what state the control point should be in.

All the conditions! Click for a larger version.

Effectively, these checks can be broken down into two main branches:

  1. Are there players on the point? If there aren't, start to decay any progress that has been made.
  2. Are all the players on the same team? If they are, should we continue capturing or should we be reverting previous progress made by another team? If they aren't, pause any progress until the players duke it out.

Checking if there is more than one player is as simple as checking the length of the Players array. But to determine if all the players are on the same team, however, is slightly more tricky...

Testing If All Players are on the Same Team

To find out if all the players on the control point are of the same team I used the following method.

This function samples the team of the first player in the array and plonks into a local var. We assume that all our players are on the same team to begin with and so we set our local bool bAreAllPlayersOnSameTeam to true. (Best variable name, by the way).

We loop through our array of players and compare the team of each player with our sample team. If we find a player who's team is not equal to the sample team, we set bAreAllPlayersOnSameTeam to false. It doesn't matter if the other players are on the same team as the sample, we are just looking for a single instance of a mismatch.

At the end of our loop, if each player's team matches the sample, bAreAllPlayersOnSameTeam will return true, otherwise it will return false.